People Audits
Our People Audit is built on our philosophy and identifies, not just to avoid the legal pitfalls, but to have the basic man management approaches in place, whether this be good performance management practice, clear job and competency definitions, robust and fair recruitment processes, clear remuneration policies and guidelines, good communication outlets and mechanisms, sound employee relations policies, learning and development processes and engagement metrics.
The audit will reveal where the “Get your business right” gaps are, not just quantitatively, but also qualitatively, allowing clients to develop action plans to plug those gaps. It represents a sound health check of your current status and based on a philosophy of continued improvement
People Strategy
Our primary aim is to establish a clear path for our clients to deploy people management strategies and policies, aligned to the core business strategy. With audit data and our experience in the people management domain, Heads Up HR supports clients in developing people strategies, by addressing the core components of our philosophy and identifying where resources need to be deployed and ensuring strategies are underpinned with KPIs, so you know you are making progress. Aligning people effort to business goals is the core ingredient for a successful organisation. Heads Up HR will work with you to focus around your direction on the basis that “clarity + people = business performance”.
Leadership and Personal Development
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way" – John C Maxwell
The fast changing world of today needs leaders who can adapt and lead individuals, teams and organisations through volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – the VUCA world.
Working with Clients, we design and offer tailored leadership interventions equipping leaders with the skills and self awareness to drive change and “Continuous Improvement” (CI) in their businesses.
Our focus is on helping leaders get the best from their staff through engaging and inspiring behaviours. Our methodology is grounded in practical tools and techniques and the deep rooted self awareness and insights into oneself, needed to better relate and connect to people.
Moreover, our leadership interventions are not one off, neither one hit programmes. We will embark on a journey over several months with leaders to continuously hone the skills and behaviours necessary for self improvement underpinned with a dynamic and frequent review of progress against development targets. Leadership is a journey of discovery that never ends.
Executive Coaching
"A successful person never loses…..they either win or learn" – John Calipari
Supplementing and complimentary to our leadership development approach is our Executive Coaching offer. The road to effective leadership is developing and honing a growth mindset where continuous improvement in behaviours and thinking are constantly challenged.
Our coaching programmes offers a personally tailored approach based on deep insights into self and agreed development needs. Moreover, we build in stretch and challenge in our coaching approach to raise the bar with our clients aimed at driving personal performance to new sustained levels.
Our experience tells us that leadership can be a lonely place at times and having a sounding board to develop strategies, bounce ideas around, manage change or transition, or simply share challenges in a confidential environment, is a resource leaders want to tap into. We deliver that resource.
Team and Organisation Development
"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success" – Henry Ford
Successful organisations rely on effective well led teams knowing the direction of travel, having a compelling vision and teams aligned to the strategy with effective decision making and inter-relationships.
It also means having the right culture, relationships and “ways of doing things round here” that galvanise the organisation towards achieving their goals collaboratively.
Our team diagnostics allows us to evaluate the success of teams and where the gaps lay in delivering effectiveness. This provides us with the platform to support teams deliver improvements in their way of working and interacting with each other to deliver successful outcomes.
Understanding and developing culture and how decisions are made within organisations is core to our methodology and Heads Up HR will work with you to develop culture and processes to deliver business results.
Hiring Right
"The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to recruit the best people in the world" – Steve Jobs
It is critical for any business that your recruitment processes deliver the best possible fit between candidates and the role. Our methodology ensures that clear Job success criteria are defined for every role that our Clients are recruiting for. Using Harrison Assessments, we work with search and selection partners to ensure their success rate of getting the right people for the job increases. Candidates and Clients will have confidence that the “fit” is as good as it can get, improving performance, engagement and retention for the long term.
Engaging Right
“To win in the market place, you must first win in the workplace” – Richard Branson
Heads Up HR uses a proprietary engagement tool designed to complement a more qualitative diagnostic approach so we can provide deeper insights into how employees are feeling on a range of different indicators. As a dynamic tool, it can also be used on a frequent basis (typically every 3 months) to benchmark progress against identified areas of concern. Heads Up HR will work with clients to develop strategies and other engagement interventions to ensure your employees continue to feel engaged, that their contribution is valued and they feel positive about your business.
Our approach is underpinned on our belief that employees come first, ahead of your customers. Eliciting the willing cooperation of employees in the business, having them offer their discretionary effort to go further than the average employee forms the basis of our Employee Engagement offer and can often be the elusive piece of the jigsaw in any people strategy.
Heads Up HR will establish both qualitative and quantitative data to sign post where Clients need to focus their efforts to improve employee engagement. Using dynamic on-line tools, Clients can frequently check that their employee engagement strategies are delivering dividends. Our team will support both the diagnostic phase of employee engagement and work with the Client to develop cost effective solutions. For modest investment, the returns can be significant.
Interim and retained HR support
We recognise at Heads Up HR that at times our Clients will need some ad-hoc or interim support to plug resource gaps or support an increasing workload for a short term period.
Our experience means we can seamlessly work alongside your teams providing an extension to the great work you are already doing from within. It may be additional support for specific projects, management training, support with reviewing polices and procedures and keeping you on the right side of employment law. Such an approach provides flexibility for our clients and responds to real requirements just at the point you need without having to commit to a full time or permanent resource. Supporting clients like this takes away the pain of managing the people aspects allowing them to focus on developing the business.
Assessment and Development
"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom" - Socrates
Providing a deeper insight and self awareness of oneself is the foundation for our assessment and development work.
The Harrison Assessment provides rich behavioural data allowing Clients to understand the strengths and development needs of their staff, at leadership, team and organisational levels.
As a Consultant Partner of Harrison Assessments, Heads Up HR provides one the world’s most accurate and powerful psychometric tools in the market.
Harrison's industry leading SmartQuestionnaire measures 175 workplace factors and enables the effective measurement of leadership paradoxes, emotional intelligence, personality, motivation, attitudes, passion for specific jobs, engagement, and retention. - all in one high-tech 25-minute questionnaire.
When applied to group data the Smart Questionnaire analyses the organization's leadership capability, talent pipeline, likely talent retention rate, and provides actionable insights into company engagement, leadership development and succession planning.
We will help our Clients, match people to the right roles, facilitate employee engagement, develop job specific behavioural competencies, promote core values, accelerate leadership development, and enable managers to coach, engage, and retain employees. It's truly a SmartQuestionnaire